The ministry of Theovision International’s reaches rural communities, remote villages and the places where God’s Word is almost never heard. The team travels long distances to the people living in these remote communities to form Audio Bible listening groups. Locals are trained to facilitate the Bible listening program.
Equipped with Audio Bibles, teams from Theovision takes God’s Word to the language users.
Those Places Where God’s Word Is Almost Never Heard
A Bible listening group meets at least once a week. Everyone, young and old, come together around a device to listen to God’s Word in their own language and discuss it. Like a Bible study session, each person shares what he/she heard and how it was understood.
The Audio Bible discussions are usually very simple. After the people have shared the amazing things they hear, they become each other’s keeper in living according to God’s Word.
God’s Word Is Opened Up To All
God’s Word Is Opened Up To All
A Bible listening group meets at least once a week. Everyone, young and old, come together around a device to listen to God’s Word in their own language and discuss it. Like a Bible study session, each person shares what he/she heard and how it was understood.
The Audio Bible discussions are usually very simple. After the people have shared the amazing things they hear, they become each other’s keeper in living according to God’s Word.
The Impact Stories
By hearing God’s Word in their own languages; many lives have been transformed. Individuals, whole communities, schools, hospitals, families and homes where Bible listening is done share impact stories that are simply overwhelming.
The oral people can also hear God’s Word in their own language and experience His transforming power.